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Django Bridge includes a <Link> built-in component that extends the HTML <a> tag to provide client-side navigation between views.

For example:

import { Link } from "@django-bridge/react";

export default function Page() {
return <Link href="/dashboard">Dashboard</Link>

When a user clicks this link, the /dashboard URL will be fetched in the background and the response rendered.

The <Link> component accepts all <a> tag attributes as props, and an extra optional prop called skipDirtyFormCheck which allows you to disable blocking the navigation away from a page that contains unsaved data in a form.

The navigate() function

You can also trigger client-side navigation with the navigate() function that is provided by NavigationContext.

For example, we can call this function from the onClick handler of a <button>:

import { Link, NavigationContext } from "@django-bridge/react";

export default function Page() {
const { navigate } = useContext(NavigationContext);
return <button type="button" onClick={() => navigate("/dashboard")}>Dashboard</button>