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Writing View Components

Django Bridge applications use React components to render the frontend. We call these components "View Components" to distinguish them from regular UI components, but there is nothing technically special about them.

A simple view component

Here's a view component that will render the current time from a prop (see the example in Writing Views for the backend):

export default function CurrentTimeView({ time }) {
return <h1>It is now {time}</h1>;

Let’s step through this code one line at a time:

  • First, we define a function component that takes one prop, the time. Because in the Python code this was a datetime object, this will be converted to a Date object by Django Bridge

    Note that the name of this function doesn’t matter. We will assign it a name that the Django view can use when we register it in the next step

  • The component returns a JSX element containing the text “It is now [time]” in a <h1> element

Registering view components

View components should be registered with your Config object. If you used the template to generate your application, the Config object is located in client/src/main.tsx.

To register the view, call config.addView():

config.addView("CurrentTime", CurrentTimeView);

Now, whenever a Django view returns a Response containing the name “CurrentTime”, the CurrentTimeView will be rendered.